Sunday, September 28, 2008

Welcome students

Hello students!
Holidays are over, you feel miserable that you're starting classes again and to make things worse your teacher decides to start a brand new blog for you. It will be more work for me but hopefully I will be able to cope with it. Look out for new messages, as it will be updated with more activities or interesting links for you.
Just for some fun this time (it's the first post, I don't want to frighten you...yet), why don't you have a look at these videos about English? As you can see here pronunciation could even save your life. Or perhaps make you famous for your catastrophic English... It is also important to learn English so you know exactly what the lyrics say, as you might be dancing to some weird chorus, like this family. An to finish, however absurd it may sound, some people don't realise they can speak English!
What do you have to do? Just watch the videos and (to make sure you will be able to drop a few lines in the message box when the teacher asks you to, and see if you had any problems to do so) tell the others if you liked them.
Also, what do you think about this blog? Do you think you'll find something interesting, do you think it's not going to be much use anyway, do you think it's a waste of time? Write a few lines about what you expect. Don't forget to write your name and surname and your level.
That's all for now. See you!