Superman? Arsenal? Gandalf?
You must be kidding! How could you name your child after your favourite football team? Read this article (notice that you can also listen to it at the same time) about parents deciding names on a whim and then send your comment telling if you think it should be allowed to name your child after anything you come up with or if there should be some restrictions.
I remember we had, for example, a female sheep, 'ewe' (Inés) and a 'poem or song' (Carmen) in Latin and another 'ewe' (Raquel) in Hebrew in class. If you want to know the meaning and history of your name, go to this link and find out what exactly you are saying when you say your name.
Then do a game about names. Go to this page and on the left handside you will see different things you can do about this theme- an article, a word game, trivia, links... Click on "word game" and you will learn a few idioms, as long as you can work it out! It's a drag and drop game. You will see different squares and you have to drag them to the grid on the right so you can form sentences. Then send a comment telling the others about one of the idioms and its meaning.
That's all about names!
hi all,
To be honest I think that name is not the key (it could change your behavior).
It depends on your self-steam. I meet two "Maria" and each one has her own personality.
I think that it should be allowed to name your child after anything, why not?.
For example, my short name is Spy, it's short form of Spyware. My mother named me after her great addiction to the computers.
I search it on the list but it isn't there but tomorrow I'm sure that my name will be in the etymology and history of first names.
SPYWARE is a computer software that is installed secretly on a personal computer to take partial control over the user's interaction with the computer, and it's true, my personality is like a spyware.
Now, I'm making a name for myself and I will be my name in lights in the future.
However, people sometimes say:
"spy is mud" but I clear it as soon as posible. bye
I´m Gemma from "L" group. I don´t understand what I must do in the word name part of the exercise, I am sorry. I am going to give my opinion about parents and names.
I think that the parents must choose really well what name they will put to their children. In my opinion all names are allowed except offensive words. But the best option for me is what some countries do. They have an approved list of names from which parents must choose; but I would suggest them to renew the list frequently.
See you!!
Hello! I'm VALERIA from group N.
It's terrible how parents name their children with ridiculous names. My name comes from an Italian saint.
I liked the idiom about "see your name in lights" when you worked in a film or in theater.
See You!
Hi, classmates
I, m feeling a bit embarrased sharing in this blog my ipinions but I,m going to try it.
Regarding to the article about parents deciding names, I think some countries have strict rules when it comes to naming children, such as Spain 30 years ago.For example, my parents couldn,t name me Anabel when I was born. At that time, you had to use mixted names as well as Christian names.However, nowaday in Spain you only have forbidden names which meaning can be offensive, aggressive or impolite.
On the other hand, from my point of view, some names could create controversy and splash you. I,ll never name my children Hitler or Pol Pot, by the way.
See you soon
Hi, I´m Maialen from "M" group.
I have clear ideas about names, I love basque names. But if you have doubts, don´t worry! There are a lot of books in the libraries about names and their origins, also on the web.
In Navarra these last years has been very common the name "Aimar" as the basque pilot player!! and Leonor as the future queen, of course!!
My opinion, try not to choose an extravagant name and easily pronunciable, at least for your close family.
It sound ridiculous: /Gaiska/ intead of /Gaizka/ or /Iciar/ instead of /Itziar/.
Do you know what I mean?
Hi!!! I´m Vicente, from "M Group" (1st Advanced). This topic is interesting.
On the one hand, fathers can choose a name because it has a deep and special meaning for them or simply because they like it. That´s good.
But on the other hand he have the Key of the question... Will the name be good for the baby?
In my opinion, many people think about if a name is good for them but not for the child. Babies cannot decide, so fathers have an added responsability.
Hi, I´m Miren.
Finally my computer works, and I could see the diferents games about names.
I think the name you have is very important in the life. The names change with years too, and It's terrible how parents name their children like grandmother´s or grandfather´s, for example Eustakia, Cirilo...(sin ofender a nadie). It´s difficult to imagine a four years old child who´s name is Eustakia...
See you!!!!
Hi! I´m Mikel from "M group" (1st advanced).
For me, the name has a quite importance, specially when the child is young.
I think that the parents can choose a name that they like, of course! But always considering the time we are living in, the effect which this name will have... For example nowadays is not very common to call to a boy Evaristo or others like this.
Personally, I like specially Basque names for boys(Mikel, Aitor, Ekaitz, Ander...) and girls (Oihane, Naroa, Olaia, June...).
See you!!
Hi everyone! My name's Palma Tocón. I think that there is a misunderstanding about what to do in this exercise. Everybody has written about name's opinions and I think the homework is different. I think we have to choose one of the names idioms and give our opinion or explanation about it. Am I wrong or all of you? Otherwise, I'm going to explain you with an example this one: "make a name for yourself". I think Rafa Nadal has made a mame for himself, because he is the best tennis player in the world, he has won a lot of tennis competitions and everybody knows him. So, he is now famous and respected by a lot of people in the world.
Hi friends! I’m Pili Lana or "Mary of the Pillar" (1º avanzado, M)
I have read all the articles and I find them very interesting. I can’t believe that the parents wrack their brains trying to think of a name for their baby-to-be, and finally they choose 4Real, Superman, Armani, Rebel, Rocket, Racer, @ or hoshandiatellyneshiaunneveshenk Koyaanfsquatsiuty Williams!! It’s incredible! In my opinion it shouldn’t be allowed to name your child after anything you come up with. It is necessary to have some restrictions, of course.
I totally agree with Juan Jesús Díaz and his students: the best thing is to choose a short and easily pronounceable name, and it is very important to pay attention to the combination of names and surnames, because they can turn out to be very funny (f.e. Miren Aminao).
The top names are different, they depend on the countries. For example, I german friend of mine is Ramona. She is 30 years old, really pretty and she is proud of her name! She thinks her name is very nice because it is a Spanish name. Poor girl!
Regarding to the other activity we have to do, I have chosen the idiom “clear sb’s name” because the meaning is the same in Spanish language.
The funniest proverb, the Chinese one: Proverbs Give a dog a tasty name and eat him.
Anyway, I don’t understand the cartoon. What is allocate?
(A rose, by any other name, would smell as sweet… a pretty sentence)
I'm Marta from "M" group.
Well, personaly I believe that it shouldn't be allowed to named your child after anything you come up with. Can you imagine a child with a sexual name?, What could happen to the child at school?, can you imagine?. In my view, we have to named our children thinking in their future lifes, with common sense.
What can I say about names idioms?, well, we have some set phrases similar in spanish to 'clear sb's name' and 'make a name for yourself', so it's easy to use them in a sentence, but it's more complicate to use the others. For instance, 'somebody's name is mud', can we say 'when I hear Bush words, I'm more sure Bush' name is mud'?. It sounds strange, isn't it?. And, how can we use 'the name of the game'?.
Understand the meaning of these name idioms is the name of the game'.
It's difficult, isn't it?.
This is all I can think of for now.
see you!
Hello! I´m Eukene from "M" group. I agree with all of you: I think it isn´t possible to name your children after anything you come up with (there are offensive words and we must pay attention to the name and surname. I mean: "Dolores Fuertes De Barriga", "Aitor Menta" etc).
I would never name my child like me (it always causes mistakes, when people phone you for example):
-Hi! I would like to talk to Pepe.
-Pepe the father? Or Pepe the son?
On the other hand, people you know have an important influence on you if you have to choose a name: how will I name my daugther "X" if I know a woman named "X" and I can´t put up with her?
About the second part, I wish I never saw my name in lights (how embarrasing!!!) Bye.
Hello. I´m Angelica (group M). I have just read the article and I don´t know what to say.
I don´t know if your name can do make you in a determinate way, but I think that the experiences around it yes; for example, if children make jokes with your name (I mean ugly jokes, of course) you will whis to change it inmediately.
I don´t know what will be my son´s name, but I´ll try to give them beautifull names.
P.D. I don´t like my name, but I´ve learnt to live with it.
Angelica, why don't you like your name? I think your name has a very beautiful meaning and usually it is in the favorite name list from a lot of countries
I´try again,
Hi mates!
I am not specially proud of sharing my mistakes,but no risk no glory...
Aurora, L group, 1st adv.
Hi bloggers!
this is an interesting idea, and I think this is an innovative way of learning english!
Videos made me smile and I ´ve spent some of my free time with some exercises.
I am really frigtened about it , we ´ve many many work to do...
I wish to encourage everyone to share the screen in spite of mistakes.
I found it useful and I think it has to be feed to survive
See you!
Aurora S.L group 1st adv.
To name is to know.
Name is a sound, a vibration...
Have you got your own tone?
Listen when you say it, NAME, and when other people call to you too...
A NAME is a way to construct your own identity.
IDENTITY could be a complicated term.
If you are named after you ´ve received an alienating heritage - maybe you feel that it doesn´t belongs to you - but you could waste it carelessly - it doesn´t mind - or, just you could make up your mind, catch from it what you want and to avoid anything else.
At the end of the story you could discover your own prejuidices about yourself and a false or true thinking.
Now, put your NAME here...........,
your FAMILY NAME, an INVENTED one,or a SECRET NAME. Put the name of your hidden desire, your will,and the NAME of your dream....
I asked you
to put it here........., please!
think about
Are you a GOD-ESS?
What do you know about NAMES?
*People want to trascend,and they usually want to survive though names and surnames. (lasting names)
*They created familiar context, and familiar powers and familiar trees to extend their branches, their own EGO as a NAME............
(put it here)
Am I beating about the bush?.
See you!
Aurora S. L group. 1st adv.
Hi all!!
I'm Blanca Palacios(1ºAvanzado M)
I think this is an interesting subject to comment.Everybody comments about one or other new original name that they know.
In my opinion, some restrictions are needed. If not, we will find stupid names. The problem is that person who chooses the name is not the person that is going to suffer it during all his life.
I have a compoud name(Blanca Esther) and for me this isn't a problem. I don't use it for nothing and everybody names me Blanca. Except last two weeks at work. Our email adress program have been changed and now,all names appears in the new program. Then, all my colleagues have discovered my real name. On the other hand, I have known that I work with Francisco Javier, Carlos Luis, María Encarnación, etc... It has been a funny time.
Regarding the expressions in the game, I choose "name the day". I believe that when somdebody uses this idiom, something important is going to happen in his life.
This is all.
See you soon.
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