Actually The Beatles said Hello, Goodbye, but they might as well wanted to use this terrific website that I came across a couple of years ago, just by chance, probably browsing through the web expecting to find something else.
The page is called elllo (it stands for English Language Listening Laboratory Online) and offers a wide array of listenings, ranging from interviews to listening games. It is probably the best website for improving your listening skills, in my opinion.
I have just prepared a screencast to show you about how it works and the contents you will find there. Now, don't get me wrong. It's not that I think you are clumsy when it comes to dealing with computers, it's just in case you are one of those who say that computers 'don't love you'. If after watching the screencast you still don't know how to use the page, you're in for trouble in this increasingly technological world...
You'll see a slideshow embedded below. Just watch it. You'd better change to the Full Screen mode so you can read my notes. Eer, yes, if you're one of those the full screen is the icon with the arrows...
Then send a comment for feedback- what do you think about the page? Did you like it? Did you do a lot of listenings? You'll have to anyway, as I'll tell you to do some homework about it quite often from now on.
Clear? Then you know what to do next...
See you in class! You say elllo, I say goodbye, elllo elllo...
Palma Tocón, M group, 1st advance.
Hi mates!
I agree with Carlos, I think this webside is good, but I´m going on thinking that the web side" is better. I mean, it might be that this last web is more familiar to me, so I like more. But, I'll try to continue browsing the new page in order to discover all the posibilities to improve my english skills.
Hello people!
are you try submerging in this page? I think is a very userful tool to practise listening and find some expressions which might help you to enrich your writing or your speaking...
Also, it a very easy page to use and you can find a lot of information in english, of course, about differents matters which you are interesting in.
Goodbye people!
Cristina Díaz, 1st advanced, N group.
The listening's world it’s amazing!.
As I’ve said many times, when you surf internet the time goes.
In my opinion, the page is very interesting and it’s very easy to use. I don’t know whichone is better. I think, if you use or work with these kind of pages, you can improve your English.
Marta Aristu, 1st advance M
I think this webside is very, very useful and interesting.
It´s a very easy page to use and you get new listenings regularly, it´s updated every week, it´s brilliant, isn´t it?. What´s more you can get listenings about a topics you want, without subtitles or with text, and do comprehension exercises at the same time. A lot of posibilities.
I didn´t know webside like that, it´s a very good posibility to improve english language.
Miren, 1st advanced, L group.
This is a nice web
Many different accents and possibilities, sometimes difficult to understand - at least for me - but stimulating ...
Many points ofview are offered too and it is not so long to hear
I´m afraid I´ll be hang - up with it ... I hope so!
Thank you for tha advise Carlos , it´s very useful and easier so...
See you later!
Aurora Suárez 1st. Adv. L group
Great tool! I'm becoming a podcats-addicted!
This webpage seems to be really useful. There are different accents, the transcripts, excercises, etc.
I've only to fix my mp3 and I'll have a tasty take-away english listening.
I'm thinking of doing the same with AUDIOBOOKS. Have you ever tried? I haven't here the webpage but it's one of those recommended for Intermediate English by a yellow sheet on a display stand of the EOIP library.
I'm starting with short tales of Grimm brothers or L. Carol, but there are lots of them by chapters (most of them are not very recent, but quite interesting).
Have a nice week! See you.
Ainhoa, 1st advance, M.
I enjoyed this page a lot so it was added to my favourite websites.I've been sometimes lost browing through the webs trying to find out something really good to improve my listening skills and now I have one web page.
Learningenglish web is very interesting for me toobut elllo is amazing because I can do, slide show quiz (very important for my comprehension, because when I am listening english talks, suddenly I get lost and I understand nothing),printeble lesson, the video...I mean, several activities about the same topic in a fun way.
gloria imaz 1st m
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