Thursday, November 27, 2008

(Avanzado 1) Too old for rock'n'roll, too young to die

That's the title of a song by Jethro Tull, a 70s group. Do you feel you're too old for some things and too young for others?
Well, to know (roughly) how old you will be, this website has a life expectancy calculator that will work out yours after answering questions about your health and lifestyle. The vocabulary may be a bit difficult so if you need to, use a dictionary.When you get the results, check what the website suggests you could do to improve your life expectancy. Then, send a comment into the blog telling the others about how old you're supposed to turn and some advice they gave you to live longer.
And going back to the title of the post, these people below are probably not too young to die, but they're certainly not too old for rock'n'roll! Watch them sing a cover of The Who's "My generation" and ask yourself if you expect you'll be doing these things when you are their age!!! What do you think you are too old or too young to do? Dancing to pop music in public? Have babies? Start it all over again? Get drunk? Settle down? Watch or read comics? Do you feel a bit embarrassed because you like doing things which are not considered suitable for your age? Tell your partners.
See you after the loooooooooooooooong bank holidays, when we'll all be a bit older.


Anonymous said...

Miren Elorza, Advanced 1, (L)

My life expentancy is 94 years. I think it´s not very bad, is it?
And some adviceds for me are for example: getting my blood pressure and blood sugar checked annually could add a year and a half to my life expectancy, minimizing or cutting out my caffeinated coffee consumption completely could provide me with about half a year more in life expectancy.
Taking an 81 mg aspirin every day improves my hear and brain health and could help me delay or escape a heart attack or stroke.
Cutting back my read meat consumption to 1-2 days per week or less could add 1 year to my life expectancy, and cutting back sweets in my diet to 1-2 times per week or less could add half a year to my life expectancy.

I don´t know...

And I expect I'll be doing these things when I am their age. Maybe not that exactly, but I hope I´ll be travelling a lot, doing trekkings, clubbing... Well, if it´s a barricada´s concert maybe yes.
I don´t feel embarrassed because the things I like doing, I think with the ages it doesn´t matter.

Anonymous said...

Hi mates¡ Hi miren¡
My life expentancy is 94 years too. I guess that Navarra people will have the same life expentancy on this calculator and, in addition I observe a mathematical mistake.
Advices for me:
Do a better job and I could add hal a year. -0.5-
Minimizing or cutting out my caffeinated coffee consumption completely -0.25- Oh¡ my Colombian coffee cup.
Stop smoking now -1.00- But, I love my cohiba little cigar.
Taking an aspirin each day, preferably in he evening -1.00-, I hate the aspirins but I'll try to take one with my daily beefeater gin tonic.
Being more active in your leisure time -0.5- There are nothing questions about dancing, I think dancing is exercise.
Decreasing your bad cholesterol -0.5-
Decreasing your diastolic blood -0.5-
Getting your blood sugar checked -0.25-
To be wise to keep a record of my laboratory test and other health data that might be hard for me to remember - 0.25-

I'm worried about the addition.

On the other hand, I expect I'll be doing these things when I am their age, yes of course. I think I'm too old to go to the carpa, although why not?, but I prefer dancing tango in the milonga. Or too young to travel with the inserso, but if I had to come with sb i'd go.
Have babies? Techonology is here. Get drunk is very good time to time. Settle down, what for?, what's really settle down?. Watch or read comics is a healthy habit.
My question is, what's not considered suitable thing for my age? If I feel well with my life I feel well with my age.

gloria imaz 1st M

Anonymous said...

Hi, this is Artiza from 2º avanzado, group J.

My life expentancy is 89 years, not as good as the previous ones but not bad.

What can I do to increase this number? The same as the others about coffee comsuption, aspirin, etc. This website must have a kind of deal with aspirin company, don't you think?

Another advice is cutting back sweets in my diet but... a piece of chocolate after lunch makes me feel good and happy, and happiness is the key for a long life, isn't it? So, I think I won't take this advice.

Anyway, if I live until I am 89 in good health I won't complain.

Anonymous said...

Aitziber Arina, L group

I am happy. I am going to live 98 years and what I have to do is to cut my hours at work. It is a bit difficult now because I am commuting to Tudela... But I hope that in a few years I will be in Pamplona again (if I pass the "oposicion"..jeje). I have to start studying again.
I have to cut out my cups of coffes. It is not easy if I have to get up one day at 6 a.m and two days later at 15 p.m. because I have worked the night before.
I don´t mind working shifts, but I am fed up with working at nights.
I have to check my sugar level and take an aspirin too.
I would like to live long but with a good quality of life.



Hi everyone,
I have just finished the text and it says that I will pass away 88 years old. (Where must I sign it?....)
I wish I could live with full skills until my death.

To be honest sometimes I feel streesed because the life runs so fast.
For that reason I get use to have positive mentality. You mustn´t lose time worried about little stupid things.


Rut Gomez Alonso said...

This video is fantastic!!!I was imagining my grandma dancing and singing is this group!!!

Seriously, I think there are a lot of things you can do, without have in a count your age. I mind, if you are really sure you want do something, you try it and you make an effort, probably you achieve your aim. It’s other matter the level you can get to, and it is the part will depend on your age. Talking about this issue, there’s a proverb which said: “Where is a wish, there is a will“.

Speaking about my life expectancy is 88. I agree with the doctor, who reads the test and explain what you have to do for add years in your life, I should give up smoking, I should do more exercise, I should be relax, I shouldn't think 4 cup of coffee a day, I should... I'll expect I'm going to change some of this habits.

Have a good week.

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone,

My life expentancy is 85 years, not as good as most of you, but it´s O.K. because I think that I have enough time to do things like have done all the people who appear in the video.
Anyway, I prefer to have a full life even it could be shorter than an empty one but longer. About the advices who "someone" in the web gives me, there are some of them about my lifestyle and nutrition that aren´t news for me. I should practice some sport, I should eat better, I should... but I don´t do, that´s the truth.

About the video...fantastic. I hope to get old as well as them. I hope to do all that I want each moment, I hope to have a happy and full life.

See you,

Gemma Larrañaga, Advanced 1 L.

Anabel said...

Anabel García, Advanced 1 (group L)
Hi classmates,
I suppose I,m too old to have the same habits as I was younger: going out to drink with my friends all the weekends; dancing in public (it doesn,t matter which kind of music); doing different stupit things that make me look ridicolous when I feel happy (I always feel embarrassed when I,m less "happy").
On the other hand, I don,t think I,m too old to learn new things or to travel arround the world. I just have the age to star something that I want over (while my body can afford it).
From my point of view, It,s better to regret doing something that you really want intead of being unhappy because you,ve never done it. Do you agree with me?

Anonymous said...

Inés Iriarte, Advanced 1 N.

My life expentancy is also 94 years. It seems that the program it's agree about give everyone the same age!!
The program is curious but I don't belive it's true, it could calculate approximately how long are you going to life but I don't really think it's too believable. depends of many factors that you can't consider through a PC.

Anonymous said...


Hi everyone! I’m a little sad because my “little bank days” are finishing. What a pity!.
In the contrary, I have good reasons to feel happy. First of all, recently I’d passed successfully my last medical examination, so, at the moment, I have a good health. As you know, I’m pregnant and I have to go to the doctor very often. I didn’t use to do it before being pregnant, but now I’m very strict with my medical appointments.

Anyway, I usually try to keep a healthy life, doing regular exercise, having ecological meals, a Mediterranean diet, … But, I’m aware of doing all these habits don’t avoid to fall ill before the life expectancy that the computer has foresee for me (91 years).

To be honest, I don’t believe in this kind of “virtual prognosis”. The computer has said that my life expectancy is 91 years. Do you really think it? I think that is ridiculous to believe that if I take 81 mg aspirin every day, as the computer program says, I’ll add 2 years to my life expectancy. And overall, when I’m allergic to aspirin! The worst is that there are some people who believe in this kind of advice and follow them, and otherwise, they avoid going to the doctor. I think that health is a serious question and people shouldn’t play with these things. On the other hand, I think that the “calculator of life expectancy” is funny, I mean, you can enjoy reading your results, but no more.

With reference to advice of the “virtual doctor”, I should:
-have frequent contact with my family or friends to manage stress better.
-keep up the good work.
-live in a city without air pollution.
-give tea a chance.
-floss my teeth more frequently.
-cut off with sweets and chocolates.

And more and more advice about what I mustn’t do it. Despite this, the “virtual doctor” also has given me congratulations about my diet and weight, snaking habits, no smoking habits, dairy consumption (calcium), sun protection habits, sleep habits, …

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

, JAVIER CORERA, 1 ADVANCE,L GROUP,i trien to write from edinburgh, but i couldnt,interesting test, i think that can guide you to choose the best way for living better and longer, is very clear that dont smoke, drink littel alcohol, doing exercise , visiting frecuently to the doctor, are things that can give you a healthy life, but, there are a lot of things more that can put your life expectancy in serious risk,the ageing process, driving fast, your type of job, your personality,your education, your genes, this last thing is very important for me, even, the destiny, i belive in destiny in some way, and, well, if we were answered about to live forever, the most of us would say yes, but, i have the impression that we think in to live forever young, not with 100 years or more,could be our quality of life good with 100 years? i dont know, i think that life have a law, and wen cant broke this law, then, we need improve our life and try to take advance of everything when whe are young still,try to do the things we want, everything, and, no wait to get older for nothing, as one spanish advice says, dont let for tomorrow things than you can do now, see you

Anonymous said...

Hello people!
I'm very glad. I´ve just known that my life expectancy is 101 years!!ohh, God!!It's very nice idea!
And I know I can improve my lifestyle and live longer than today.It's gourgeos, isn't it?
But at the moment the best thought is to live day after day. It'll be better if you taste each moment of your life without thinking if your future will be better than today.
Anyway, you should to think in carry out a life without a lot of stress, good food, some exercise, only a few excessess.They are only habits.
Moreover, the character you put in your life is very important, I think. If you are a very optimistic person, you are cheerful and you smile sometimes, you would enjoy each moment of your life in a mood much healthier.
So, the age only is a physical method to count the time you spend your life. The moments, situations, meetings,etc,..are you life, really.

So, dear friend, live your life in the way that you enyoy it without thinking if your are very old or your mentality is very young for doing something.

I try to do it every day!

Cristina Diaz, 1st advanced, N Group

Anonymous said...

Hi mates!
My life expectancy is 98 years old. Oh!!!
The calculator gave me some advice to live longer: do a check-up every year to control my health, take 81 mg aspirin every day and give up caffeine. However, it´s difficult to me to add these new habits: I don´t take aspirins (I rarely take them because they hurt my stomach) and to give up my daily cup of coffee is impossible: without it I would go asleep to everywhere.

Answering to the second question, I expect I´ll be singing like them when I´m their age (why not?) It mean that I will be alive!
I also think that our mind and body say if we are too young or too old to do something (not people around). The most important thing is to feel well with yourself and your life without thinking about your age. Bye!
Eukene - Advanced M

Anonymous said...

Hello everybody!

How about the bank holiday? I hope everybody enjoy it a lot!

My life expectancy is 87 years. Good news for me! I hope this will be real!

Like my others mates, I should to take an aspirin each day, I should to cut my cups of coffee, to practice more exercise, to do a check up every year, to give up smoking....

I had to do too much things, I had to change my daily routing and now, I don’t want to do it!

I would like to have a good quality of life and I would like to feel always young because I thing that the real age is not very relevant, the most important thing is how do you feel and this depend principally on your mind.

I’ll take care about my diet, I´ll try to do more exercise and I´ll rather try to be better person!

Have a good day and see you later in class!

Maite Subiza, Advanced 1 (M)

Unknown said...

Alfredo , advanced 1-L

Thanks Doc! You've calculated I'm going to live only 77 years because of my bad habits.I think it's enough time for a smoker coach potato like me, but you tell me that if I changed dramatically my lifestyle, I'd live until 91.

I'm not sure it's worth quitting my pleasant way of life for only 14 years, but maybe I'll try it again as a New Year's resolution.

About feeling embarrassed of doing things not suitable for our ages, nowadays society accepts all kind of behaviours, so don't be afraid and do whatever you want.Nobody cares...

Finally,I think it's more important to live better and enjoy yourself than to live longer, so doctor...GO TO HELL!

Goodbye cruel world!

Anonymous said...

Hi all!.
My computer was broken,so I couldn´t write before.Sorry about that.
My calculated life expectancy is 102years .Lovely!
Have I so good genetics?
Doctor Pearls raccommends me to get more sleep and moving to a place were air quality be better (but I love cities).
To take the aspirin every day,
(it produces me stomach ache).
to increase exerccise regimen or being more active in my leisure time
(I haven´t got many indeed)
And he raccommends me to practice more sport
( everyday).
But he doesn´t mention being happy or take care about your emotions, or to have a positive way of thinking to be optimistic...
Otherwiswe what is a longlasting life for?
Bad emotional habits are really dangerous.
I understand this calcutator as an attempt to transmit good health habits in people behaviour to have a healthier society - this is cheaper for society nothing else...
-Finally to have the same habits is boring isn´t it?
-Means that a competition to live more years?, and which are the conditions?
-Does it make a sense?
-What we live for if not plenty of joy?
- I observed many "old" people and they dont look very happy... what I have to think about?.

* TEN IDEAS FOR MY NEXT OLD AGE (And second chilhodd, I hope)
1- Smiling and good humour
2- to thanks everyday I am alive
3- to help people if possible
4 - to accept myself like I am and the others like they are
5 - Be a well informed optimistic person
6-to lie better tell my mind I am happy it´ll turns me back more of that.
7- to seek out mainly positive aspects of a situation (of course not to be stupid)
8 - being respectable with myself - I usually respect the others-
9- to search happy people
10 -to dance - to sing - to swim - to travel -to create new images-new sounds joints - to get drunk of being alive!!!
Happiness is a state of mind we build it. No worriyings - no competitions - no pain - no fear - no despair if possible- Not to acceppt blackmail...
A cultural convention!!! with a value

What we admire from very young people is energy, faith and stregh they have , and of course we had too.
We are changeable subjects and we learn with elders, be carefull about this...we learn everything from them.we learn even from childs a kind of natural behave.

Women and now men age prejuidice is being changed from many decades

I hope next future I will be doing all the things I want to and I love to and I think time could be a good trainer.
It´s not a matter of age it is a matter of thinking about what you want to project on future, your own history, your experience and to re-act what you don´t like. Go against getting decades of frustrating desires that maybe were your dreams.I ´ve been embarrased many times with things that upset me how can be embarrased with something that I like?
I am a happy person

A. Suarez 1st adv "L" grup

Anonymous said...

According this "machine" my life expectancy is 91 years.
There's supposed that if I follow the advices I can life until 102 years.
I think it's too much, because: are we sure we will have any social protection in this time? I don't think so.

What's more, as we learned in the Catholic school: all thing that makes you any plasure are sins.... and I'm non-believer

Anonymous said...

Koldo adv.1N

Happy new year everybody.

With regard to this article, my opinion is that age is not important in your behaviour. The state of mind is really important. There are a lot of young people trapped in a old body and viceversa. It is not necesary to drink 20 kalimotxos in a night or shout in the middle or the street to demonstrate how young are you but having a good attitude with the new experiences, and doing whatever your body demand you. This means that you are an open-minded fellow and enjoy life throughout.
When I do not have any project, any place to find out, any friend to share my worries....I`d rather die.
With reference to the life expectancy calculator I have hardly never to say. I agree with an opinion above. Besides being a nonsense without a medical base, it must be dangerous for people that believe in this kind of surveys. I think this is another way to compile datas of our habits and so they can pester with spam.
Nowadays information is the power.

Unknown said...

'the more you shall honor Me,
the more I shall bless you'
-the Infant Jesus of Prague

Anonymous said...

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