If you're a teacher, it's always difficult to choose which song it is that you students will listen to and some of you, barely a few maybe, will even like it!!! You know that I play some music in the background while you're doing some of the activities (for details look out for information and the regular update on the sidebar, at the bottom of the blog-What was the music in last week's class? section), but I'll also play some songs throughout the year because:
a-They're in the book (don't expect much, though, be warned)
b-I can exploit the lyrics to practise vocabulary or grammar we're dealing with in the lesson. Not easy but sometimes a song is clearly about crime, fashion, or whatever, or else there is a lot of passive sentences or phrasal verbs or 2nd conditionals and teachers can use it in class for practice.
But have another look at the title of the post-What is a jukebox, anyway? An old-fashioned gadget that allows to choose with a flick of the finger what to listen to next. Like every year, I've made up my mind that we're going to listen to some songs just for fun, for the sake of listening to songs in English, and that... is your part.
You have to choose the song (if possible) and/or artist (if you just can't decide, you like so much all of his/her/their stuff) you want to listen to in classes. You will have to write a post into the blog about your suggestions. I will check for feedback so that by the end of next week, hopefully, I should have a whole lot of ideas and songs you want me to play.
That's the homework- a collection of students' all-time favourites, that catchy tune you have never been able to get out of your head, that song they were playing when you were lucky to pick up a girl/boy, those lyrics that your poor English prevented you from understanding and always wanted to know what they were saying... Just anything.
Bear in mind, though, that we'll be playing one song every other week or so, that makes a total of about 12 songs altogether. That means you'll have to make up your mind which your definite request is going to be, as only those songs/artists which are most valued by the other students will go into the final selection and be played in class.
Do not forget to write your name (complete with the surname, please), level, and this time the group you belong to, because it might happen that one group chooses different songs from another. Your post should resemble something like this: your name, level Avanzado 1, Group M., my song for the jukebox is...If you want to tell the others why that song is so special, please do.
And that's it. DJ Carl is ready to play your tunes.
Mikel Ugarte, Advanced 2, group J?? (I cant remember that, but Im sure you know who I am).
Im not really sure about the song im going to suggest. Its very difficult to select one among... millions!!!!
I think its an impossible task if you try to take the best song, so, Im just going to choose the one im listening to right now. Im calm because I know "I bet for the winner horse"
Since I'be been loving you, Led Zeppelin III
Monika Bogdalska, Advanced 2. I agree with Mikel that it's exremely difficult to chose only one song. Let's try "True colours" by Phil Collins or Cindy Lauper. Just because the text is really beautifull and the music it quite good, too.
Hi mates! I’m Pili Lana (1º avanzado, M). Personally I find very difficult to choose only one song. I love music and I hear very different songs depend on my state of mind. That is why I have done a little list with some of my favourite songs:
Ray Charles -> I Got a Woman, Song for you
Elvis presley -> Always on my mind
Suzanne Vega -> Luka
The Cure -> Lovesong
The Police -> So lonely
The Verve -> Bittersweet Symphony
Kylie Minogue –> Slow
U2 -> Beautiful Day, I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For, Miss Sarajevo
Coldplay -> Fix you, In my place, Yellow, Viva La Vida
DJ Carl, It would be great if we’ll hear all these songs in class!! Anyway, I think you have a very good taste in music as well :-)
So, now I have to write my opinion about the other issues (There are not sex symbols in the band! and Gossips, gossips!!. Sorry about the delay! Today I am on holidays and I’ll try to do all my “homework”)
I'm Palma Tocón, advance 1st., N group.
I like very much all the songs of Craig David. For example, "Walking Away" or "Seven Days". ABBA is another option for me: my prefer song is Chiquitita, because it reminds me my childhood (my mother used to sing me this song, but in spanish, of course).
I hope you put one of my chosen songs. See you next day, Carl Dj!
I´m Laura Plaza(advanced1 M)
In my opinion, one of the best song as music in the background is, whithout doubt, " The Mission" by Ennio Morricone. I also recommended waching the movie.
Another song is " Where is the love?" by Black eyed peas. It´s a difficult song, however the text is really beautiful and interesting.
see you tomorrow.
Hi! I´m Eukene Santesteban (1º avanzado-M)
It´s really difficult to choose a song. I´ve always chosen an English song because of its melody (I didn´t understand lyrics).
Nowadays I enjoy listening English songs because I can understand them a little and it cheers me up. On the other hand I´ve listened to some songs that I liked in my teens and my opinion has changed because now I know what they mean (and some of them are pathetic).
Here you have two songs really funny (pay attention to the lyrics and the singers´pronunciation (no comment!):
Raphael and his "particular" Aquarius:
El Príncipe gitano:
And now, yes, I´ve choosen two nice songs:
I love the piano and violins of this song:
The second one is in fashion nowadays:
And the lyrics about love of course (too sweet).
Hi everyone!!
I´m Gemma Larrañaga, Advanced 1, group L.I agree with my "postmates". It´s really difficut to choose one and I´m going to mention some. The first one is " Simona" by James Blunt. I also love "More than words" by Extreme or " The River" by The Boss and something more lively "Beautiful Day" by U2 or
"It´s a kind of Magic" by Queen, and because of the next Christmas "Last Christmas" by Wham. That´s all folks!!! See you!!!
guzman, Advanced 2
yes, is very difficult to select a song, I like "Imagine" from Lenon because It won´t be never old-fashioned, but perhaps is very easy.
so I choose "Let's Call the Whole Thing Off" with Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, the song is a little bit stupid but for me is very funny especially if you are learning English
kind regards
Gloria Imaz, 1st advanced Group M
I like roads not catalogued, Harley Davidson and rockabilly so I choose "Get your kicks on" route sixty six by Brian Setzer Orchestra, listening to this song you can cross the US along Illinois, Misouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California.
"Brand new cadillac" by brian setzer.
Hey Eugene¡ and Taya Tan by Pink Martini
"What a feeling" is great!!! The music of the film Flashdance.
Hi! My name is Arantxa Sagardoy (Advanced 2) and the song that I choose for the jukebox is “Every Breath You Take” by Police.
This is a song that I used to hear when I was a teenager but I lost the cassette and I haven’t heard it for years. When I read the homework I don’t know why, but I thought in this song. I didn’t remember the title, just part of the lyric and I surfed on the net to search the title.
I’m Maria Jose Simon advanced 2 J
Believe me that I wanted to choose just one song, but it turned out to be impossible, so here you have my shortest election:
Van Morrison: “Have I told you lately”
Van Morrison: “Did ye get healed”
Joe Cocker: “Simple Things”
I used to love them because of their music, but one day I started to understand their lyrics and since then I like them much more. They are these kind of songs that you can listen to for years, and always make me feel something special.
In any case I feel sorry for others of hundreds of songs that I also love.
Difficult job!!!
Hi! Aitziber L group
Here my decision
Leonard Cohen "The partisan"
Neil Young "Like a hurricane"
Dire Straits "Calling Elvis"
That´s all folks.
I¨m Selma Garcia, from advanced 2 J. Well, my choice it´s Like Eating Glass, by Bloc Party. Maybe you don´t know the group but I really recommend their first album!
Hi! I´m Mikel Iñigo (Advanced 1, group M).
I think that is difficult to choose only one song, because me particularly I usually listen to different kinds of music. So I´m going to tell some songs, and I let that our teacher with his musical criteria choose the song/s that he stimates more convenient. So I recommend the following songs (Most of them are a little bit old, but I like them):
No woman no cry (Bob Marley),
A hard rain is gonna fall (Bob Dylan),
It´s my life (Bon Jovi),
Lose yourself (Eminem),
How to save a life (The Fray), Imagine; Yesterday... (The Beatles),
Take on me (Aha),
Devil came to me (Dover)....
These are my suggestions, but I don´t really mind, so choose which you consider better.
I´ll see you on Monday... Bye!
Hello everybody!
I am Sandra, from Avanzado 2J.
I consider myself a musicaholic (I don´t know if this word is correct in English, but I´m sure everybody understands me), and as you all have said is very difficult to choose a few songs among thousands. But there are two of them I´ll never forget:
Dirty Diana, from Michael Jackson and Private Dancer, by Tina Turner.
And I also recommend you an actual song, you can listen to it everyday in 40Principales, Just hold me, by Maria Mena, it sounds very well.
See you!
Hi Everybody!
I am Maite Subiza, Advanced 1,M.
First, I would like to say thanks Carlos for play music in class. I enjoy it.
About the suggestion for the jukebox, I realize that its very difficult to choose only one song, I`m going to put a little list with very famous and easy to understangs songs that I like:
- Stevie Wonder: I just called to say I love you
- Bob Marley: No woman, no cry
- Barry White: You´re the first the last my everything
- Supertramp: The logical song
- Queen: Bohemian Rhapsody; We are the champions
- The Rolling Stones: Stand me up, Sweet Virginia.
And, of course, I like all Beatles`s song.
Have a good day and see you this afternoon in class!
I'm Cristina Díaz from advanced 1, group N. It's a good idea listening to music while we are doing different activities in the class. I didn't usually listen to music in English, because I like understanding the lyrics and for me is difficult to focus on the song and I try to understand what it is telling me. Anyway, some good singers that I propose to listen in class are Anastacia, Robin Williams, James Blunt, U2,etc,..because in their song is more or less easy to follow lyrics and the story the artist is telling us.
Cheer up!!
Hi everyone!!
I´m Mª Luz Agurruza,Advanced 1, group L.
I agree with the peeople that wrote before, choose one is a very difficult task,but I try to do an this is my selection
- anyone of the songs of Leonard Cohen; "Suzanne", "Sisters of Mercy", "Marianne" ....
- anyone of the songs of Billie Holiday; "Stormy Blues","Now or Never"
And Phil Collins, "The boss" ,.....
Bye, see you next class
hi mates, this is Stéphane from advanced 2, J group. this indeed is a pretty tough request from dj Carl and i sure hope he soon enters the game and gets involved too. i've been thinking about it for a couple of days now and i still can't make up my mind. Led Zep, Bob, Springsteen (the river is my favourite from the Boss, no contest), these certainly do make the top of my list. up there also stand more independant and less known artists such as Ani difranco or Dan Bern to name but a few, but I will definitely agree with many of the previous posts and root for the poet from Montreal: almost any song by Leonard Cohen will do. I love the "Take this waltz" tribute to Garcia Lorca, but I'll vote for the Partisan too!
What's up?
I am koldo, Advanced 1-N and I might put here a lot of masterpieces of music but I presume they aren't the kind of song that people would choose to listen to in the background, a little rowdier than most of students are use to.
Bearing all this thing in mind, I will refuse to put anyone.
Hello everybody!
I'm here again, late but... I'm here.
Well, we could have as many songs as people, why not?, there are a lot of days to listen music. So here you are,
'DREAMS' (Cranberries)
'everyday is like sunday' (Pretenders)
'Power of two' (Indigo girls)
'Dreamer' (supertramp)
'You're my best friends' (QUEEN)
'I want to be free? (QUEEN)
'Friends will be friends' (QUEEN)
'The show must go on' (QUEEN)
I have to give my vote to some of my class mates suggestions:
'Always on my mind' (Elvis Presley)
'A hard rain is gonna fall' (Bob Dylan)
'No woman, no cry' (Bob Marley)
The reason to choose all of them is very simple, they make me feel good.
See you in the next post
Marta Aristu (Advanced 1M)
I´m Patricia Aranguren, avanzado 1 group ¿M? I think so.
Well, as my classmates I think it´s really difficult to choose some songs. I like all kind of music depends how I feel or what I´m doing. But for example, I like The Boss (he´s got really good songs) and Lenny Kravitz, and also some of The Verve, or The Beatles, of course.
In my opinion it´s interesting to listen other kind of music, not very common or that I dont know, like we´re listenisg in class.
Well, you have a lot of songs to choose. Good luck!!
Hi all,
my selection: - one by one-
Liza Minelli : cabaret
Queen:I want to break free
Patty Smith: Because the night
Amy Winehouse:Do me good
Marilyn Manson:The dope show
A. Suárez Group -L- Ist. Adv
Mauro Grossi, Advanced2, group J
I like the Beatles very much...
I think I'm going to choose:
"I've just seen a face" (P. MCartney)
It´s Carmen, from Adv.1st, L.
I´m a "bit" more radical than you with music.... I like hard rock, so I know that, probably, we won´t listen to this music at class.
Anyway, I put my grain of sand:
"Diamonds and rust" - Judas Priest´s version of the Joan Baez´s song.
"Love ain´t no stranger" - Whitesnake
"Breaking the silence"- Queensrÿche
"Urgent" - Foreigner
"Rock and roll" - Led Zeppelin
And more.... and more... and more... and Gary Moore
Hi!! I´m Vicente Bengochea, Advanced 1, Group M.
It´s great to see the variety of music that people listen to. As the rest of people, it´s impossible for me to choose only one song. I will write only one song that doesn´t appears: "Atlantic" by Keane. It´s a song that little by little drives you to another world. It´s like "you wake up and everything is strange". Wonderful.
If I look to the favourite songs of other partners... I like:
"Viva la Vida", by Coldplay
"Walking Away", by Craig David
"1974 (Simona)", by James Blunt is good too
"The Show Must Go On", by Queen (the best song I think)
All the songs are good, but these are great in my opinion. DJ Carlos, now it´s your turn
Hello everybody! I'm Blanca Palacios (Group M Advanced 1).
For me , also, It's difficult to choose only one song.
See next some suggestions:
It's my life!- Bon Jovi
Unchained Melody- Ghost film.
Carrie!! -Europe
I want to break free-Queen
The price- Twisted Sister.
Wind of changed-Scorpions
Dj Carlos: I hope you can take my suggestions in account.
See you next week!!
Hello everybody
A jukebox? When I was young (long time ago) it was called "sinfonola" and it was very popular in bars ,billiards...
My old fashioned suggestions are:
The logical song - Supertramp
All the wrong reasons - Tom Petty
I'll see you at school.
Alfredo 1ºadv. group L
H! this is Natalia, Advanced group N
First congratulations and thanks DJ Carl for your blog and Jukebox. A nice and original idea.
Second. There is a song wich has a therapeutical effect on me. When im depress and boring with my pijama at home, there is no better medicine like taking a pen as a microphone and sing "I will survive" in front of the mirror.
Not even Priscilla "Queen of the desert" is better than me! ;)
Miren Elorza, Advanced 1, group L
I agree with people, it´s difficult to chose only one song. I like a lot of kind of music. It depends on our mood too. Sometimes I prefer lively music, othertimes calmer...
I´ll try to tell you some songs:
DREAMS (Cranberries)
I want to be free?-QUEEN
A hard rain is gonna fall-Bob Dylan
No woman, no cry-Bob Marley
For example....
Hi everybody!
I am Naiara, from M group. Cheer up Carlos! We like your music, the other day's song was beautifull, you are so romantic... (Ji ji).
2 proposals:
Craig David: I'm walking away.
Lenny Kravitz: Belive in me.
If not possible, no problem, I trust on your election and taste.
HI!! I´m Cristina Sánchez, Advanced 1st, group M.
I enjoy your music selection in class. And I select some of Mark Knoplerf, DireStraits, Sting, the Cramberries...
I love "Sultans of swing" (Dire Straits) because I always listen this song when I´m paking my things or going to the airport...and my holidays starts.
Lately I listen more english music and try to understand the lyrics.. but it´s difficult.
I am Aitziber from the L group. I agree with my classmate Carmen.
We can be more radical.
Breaking the law of Judas Priest.
My favourite things of The sound of music.
I´m Idoia from Advanced 1, group N.
Because I think it´s funny to learn English with music, i going to contribute suggestting my favourite songs and artists: I like Craig David a lot and I think his music is easy to listen and understand. I especially like Walking away.
I like Bon Jovi (These days), Anastasia , Robbie Williams , some songs of U2 like Beautiful Day or With or without you...
Let´s go dance in English class!!!!!!!!
Hi, I'm Monika, Advanced 2. I would like to change the song for the jukebox. If it's impossible to change, than I want to add a new one: Israel Kamakawiwo'ole "Somewhere Over the Rainbow - What a Wonderful World".
Thanks. Regards!
I´m Joaquín Advanced 1 group N and here are two possible suggestions
- "Enjoy the silence" Depeche Mode.
- "Boys don´t cry" The Cure.
Hi. I´m Angélica Martín, advanced 1, group M.
I don´t know what songs i´d like listening to in the class.
I have read in one comment that someone tell about flashdance... I agree. Dirty dancing likes me too, for example.
I´ll be agree with whatever you play.
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