For some gossip...ok, here's my turning point (roughly): When I was living in England after university I broke up with my girlfriend, a girl I had been going out with, it must have been six years or so!!! I felt miserable, honest.
If I hadn't broken up with that former girlfriend of mine I would probably have stayed in Britain longer. Not that I was having the best of times, broken-hearted as I was, but I'd probably tried to make up for the time I'd lost with some girls I had developed a crush for...Anyway, I decided to come back sooner than expected. If I hadn't come back, I could have met someone back in England. If I'd fallen in love again, I might have looked for a job to earn my living. If I'd started working there, I'd have started looking for a flat to live and perhaps I would even have got married there, and my children would have had red hair and freckles.
But...well, I would never have met you! Sob, sob...
Can you send in a post about a turning point in your life which made it be different from what it used to be before? Something that make you start all over again?
Another thing to do is: There is an interesting dilemma faced by the main character in a film. There is a little girl who gets kidnapped, but she is taken to live in a much better home than her own (her mother is out doing drugs all the time). Patrick, the lead character, finds out about who took her and is the only who knows where she is. He then has to decide whether to turn the kidnapper in and get justice, or keep quite and give the girl what might be a better life. What would you have done?
That's all. Send your comments!
Hi mates,
When I finished my studies I started working in Vitoria. When I was there I did an exam to enter into the vasque health service and i did it quite well but something went wrong with the results and eventually a judge had to resolv(One trade union tried to cheat to do a favour to their members). Meanwhile, I went to Pamplona to do another exam to enter into the osasunbidea staff and I also did it quite well, so after a few months I took my job in Estella. Two years later the court resolved the first exam that I had passed too, but it was too late for me.So if someone hadn´t tried to cheat on the first exam, I would have been working in Vitoria, I wouldn't have been living in Pamplona and of course I wouldn't have studied in this school of languages and eventually I wouldn't have met my classmates...
But I think that another turning point it's still going to happen in the future. Que sera ,sera!
On the other hand, about the question you asked, I'm not sure what I would do. I suppose that the rigth thing would be to tell the thruth, but if we think about the girl, I won't say anything to keep her living better.
Sorry for the mistakes, I´ll see you at class.
Alfredo Remírez . 1st. adv. L
I'm Valeria, from group N. When I was 19, I used to go with my 2 bestfriends. We used to go out and to flirt with boys, etc. We were planning to move to Valencia to live and work there, near the sea. One night, I met the guy who is my boyfriend now. I deserved him, because before knowing him I had met a lot of boys who had hurt me, but my friends didn't understand this. They wanted me to be with them and nobody else, and made me choose, so I decided not to continue with them-my boyfriend didn't make me choose, and is a good person as well. We have been going out for 5 years and we live together, here in Pamplona. And we have a nice dog and a lot of good friends who don't make us take this kind of decisions.
Sorry, I'm valeria again. I forgot to use the conditional. If I didn't met my boyfriend, I would be living in Valencia.
And my opinion about the girl is that I would prefer her to live better.
When I was 21, I got my first laboratory Technician contract. It was a summer one. I was working as a Laboratory Technician from time to time, but I needed money every month, so I began to work in a ceramics shop too. Therefore I was working in the Laboratory from 8:00 to 15:00, and in the ceramics shop from 14:00 to 22:00. It was exhausting, but the things were like this. One day, my boss in the ceramics shop offered me a permanent contract, at the same time, the Laboratory offered me a six months contract, so I had to choose and I chose the Laboratory contract. After that, I got a pass the Laboratory Public Examinations. If I had chosen the ceramics shop contract, I would probably have been unemployed, because the shop closed down some years later. If I had been unemployed, I might have looked for a job anywhere. If I had been working anywhere different from Laboratory, I wouldn’t have met my current partner. So I chose very good.
Well, what can I say about this difficult decision?. If I had been Patrick, I’d likely have kept quiet and try giving her a better life.
Marta, Advanced 1M
When I finished my high studies at Institute I had to decide what to study at university. I liked to study History because I liked to try being an archaeologist.
At these times only were one university in Pamplona and my father wasn’t ready to pay me for study in other city. So, I passed the obligatory exam to go there.
When I was decided to do the registration a person called me saying “they were very interested in contact with me…”
Immediately I decided to change my option and I studied to be a teacher.
If I hadn’t changed my option, and if I had studied in this university, I would probably have hidden from a lot of people for years; and it isn’t available thing when you’re in their “house”.
So, it’s probably, I would have finished being one of they and today, I would have been a restorer of catholic saints.
On the other hand, about the dilemma you asked, I'm not sure what I would do. Maybe I tried to tell the truth to the girl giving her to make a decision.
Hi everybody. I´m Angélica (M).
Six years ago, a thursday, I received a call from Navarra. The person who called me,A woman, offered me a job as a teacher in a public school. I had studied for it and it was what I wanted the most, so I accepted.
The next day, I recieved the last calification of what I was studying, and, the next Monday, I was in Pamplona.
Then, I came back the next year, and the next, and the next... Untill now. Last year I passed the examination for a public job, what means that Iwill be here for several more years.
This is the most important turning point in my life. If I had stayed in Valladolid I would had had a diferent life. For example, if I had stayed there, I would have got marriage some years ago and, perhaps, I would have been mother.
Moreover, I don´t Know what would be my job, would I be a teacher? I think no.
With regard to the other thing,... (I have spent some minutes thinking on it)... I don´t know what to say. I don´t know what would I do. I supose that I´d take the kidnappers to the police because this is the lawful thing, but I´m not sure...
Palma Tocón, 1st advance, M group.
A turning point in my life… I think there were two turning points, because one of them connects with the other. The first one is when I met Lydia, a university’s partner, after a lot of years without knowing anything about her. He came to Algeciras because of achieving her first destination as a teacher. At that moment I was absolutely boring in my life. It was a routine life because, after living in Cádiz during 5 years, I had to come back to Algeciras (I had finished my studies there, so I had to come back with my parents). Anyway, one day, Lydia phoned me in order to helping her to look for renting a flat. I did it. It took me the opportunity to leave my parents’ house and to share a flat with her.
Lydia’s personality was special. He liked to go out every time and to enjoy more than other people that I had known. So, when I joined with her, I was spread about her enthusiastic and her delights about living life without losing time. Definitely, I learnt how to enjoy a lot, and I changed routine for constant fun. Since I met her, we both usually went out at nights, and we made up decisions like going to Granada to skiing right in that moment, or travelling the next day to Barcelona, or thinks like that. So, we used to do things without thinking so much. And, as it couldn’t be in another way, we both fell in love at the same time. Boys were friends, and they were working in Málaga. Anyway, our crazy life had just started. Lydia’s relationship quickly was wrong, but mine, was going on. But, one day, I decided to visit “my boyfriend” because he was in hospital because a work accident, not serious, but I wanted to see him. I insisted in visiting him, but he refused. He used stupid excuses, from my point of view, for avoid my visit. So, Lydia and I decided to go out that night, specifically, to San Fernando. It was the local festival (15th July) and it would help me to clear my mind. Then, we did it. Then, there, and in that night, I met who is now my husband. The other boy was a month without speaking with me, and just the day my husband finished his holidays and had to come back to Pamplona, the boy phoned me to sort out our problems with a lunch. But, it was late, we had spent a marvellous month together and, what is more, I was completely falling in love with him. In sum, we both wanted to start a serious relationship in despite of the distance between us. I think, if I had gone to have lunch with the boy, maybe, I would have been her girlfriend, but not for a long time. And If I hadn’t gone to San Fernando, I wouldn’t have met my current husband (Santi), and, if I hadn’t met Santi, now, I wouldn’t have been living in Pamplona; and I wouldn’t have been waiting a baby. Definitely, I think my life would have been very different, don’t you think?
Regarding about the second activity, I think I would have reported about the kidnapper. I think that if the girl were living in an unfavourable environment, I would report about this situation too. From my point of view, sooner or later, the girl would discover the truth and then, it would be too later to change things.
Ah! Sorry for my long writing. Thanks.
My turning point is the job. I´ll explain it to you: I studied Social Work and I enjoyed it. But the training period was very hard to me. I remember that I used to arrive home frozen stiff because of people´s problems and situations.
When I finished my degree, I did some exams and then I started getting calls to work in it. And then I said no! I realised that I didn´t want to be a social worker (I didn´t see ready myself to do it).
I decided to change my job´s aims: I wanted a job for 8 hours a day without thinking about people´s problems during the rest of the day (I´m sure that if I had accepted this job, I would have thought about my "patients" at home).
I must confess it´s hard to change your aims because sometimes you can think that you have failed. But I think it´s harder not to change and continue a "wrong" way (which doesn´t make you happy).
Nowadays I work as an office worker and I feel well.
If I´d worked as a social worker, I´d probably have earnt more money than now. But I would have become a commuter and I´d definitely have had a worse mental health.
Moreover, I wouldn´t have known some work mates who are now good friends.
In short, our life is plenty of decisions. When you choose something, you know you´re leaving another one.
However I think we are very lucky because we can choose. If we had born some centimetres below in the map, we wouldn´t have been able to do it.
About the second question, I think it´s very difficult to decide what to do. On one hand there are the “true” mother´s rights and on the other hand there are the child´s rights. If I told the police the true, the child would probably return with her drug addict mother (or finish in an orphanage) and live worse. And what about to say the truth when the kidnapped girl was 18 years old (or when she could decide who stay with? )
Who are we to say something in these situations? It´s really difficult.
Eukene - 1st M
Hi mates,
I´m Patricia from group M.
Well, my turning point could be when I decided to go to London to change my life. After the University, I was thinking to go abroad and one day I got a plane ticket and in 5 day I left everything (friends, family, work...).I didn´t know English, so at the beginning it was a bit hard, but wonderful. I met a lot of people, from different countries, different kind of people, but I felt very close to them because all of us were in the same situation there.
I had several jobs, and in the last one I enjoy working a lot.
Those days were one of the best of my life, so I think I made a good decision.
So, if I hadn´t decided to go to London, I wouldn´t have met new people who, actually, have been my best friends. And I wouldn´t have gone to Greece to work there ( but this is another story).If I had stayed in Pamplona, my life would have been different. Maybe I would have find a good job, but I think it would have been quieter and more usual than it was.
About the other exercise, I don´t know what I would do. The "right thing" is to tell the truth, but is it the best option? Because the girl is living better now. Maybe she should know the truth and decide where she wants to live. A very difficult decision.
To talk about my strongest turning point, I must go 12 years before.
I was living in a little village in Gipuzkoa with my happy family, happy friends, a formal boyfriend, studying at the university with my happy classmates.
There was a classmate who had invited me several times to go to his weekend and summer house in the south of Navarre and I used to refuse it. But that September, I was really bored, my relationship was not in its best moment and my classmate called me to invite me again and I accepted.
We were going to pass one week and if I must tell the truth I didn´t have hope to have fun there, but…
When I arrived there I met some sociable people and it made me feel really well (where I lived, people are not very sociable firstly). But I will never forget the moment when my classmate told me “That boy is the weirdo of the group, he doesn´t like to get drunk, he doesn´t like going out every weekend, he…” It was a challenge for me because I have never believed that kind of judgements that people usually make, and those words made me feel absolutely attracted in that green eyes boy.
That night we went clubbing and to my surprise he went out with us and we met each other. I fell in love with him because of his witty sense of humour, he made me laugh a lot and his green feline eyes caught me. That week he came to visit me everyday.
We stayed 2 weeks instead of one and everyday we stayed together.
When I came back to my village I broke off with my formal boyfriend after 4 years of relationship.
Some meetings later, we started going out. So, if I had not accepted my classmates invitation I would not have met my boyfriend, I would not have been living in Navarre, I would have probably been married and I would have probably had children.
About the dilemma: I would have kept quite and have given the girl what might be a better life until she would have been mature to listen to the truth and to choose her way of life. Because if there would have been a minimum hope of being happier than in her previous life Patrick would have to give her that chance.
I´m sorry, I have been a pain in the neck.
Gemma Larrañaga 1st Avd. L
Hello everybody!
This post is being commentted, it seems that we enjoy talking about our life, isn't it?
Well, a turning point in my life was deciding to study with an Erasmus grant (it was the first time I travelled abroad).
It was not only a opportunity to study an specialitation that here didn't exist and learn french, but also was it a big chance to meet interesting people and to open my mind about topics, cultures and different ways of living.
If I hadn't been a Erasmus student, I wouldn't have learnt french. If I hadn't study french, I would probably have tried to study english instead.
If then I had study english harder, I would have passed the Advanced TOELF exam.
If I had got an english certificate perhaps I might have looked for an international post in a worldwide known Company, and I would have lived abroad....
But, wait a moment...What am I saying?
Ihas already lived in France, Bruxelles and Mexico!
So...turning points, yes, there are...but I think that life is probably a big circle where there are plenty of chances. And this opportunities arrive just in the moment you need them.
Who can affirm that take a way will provide you a better life than take another one, just in the opposite direction?
After these phylosophical thoughts...sorry, I become exhausted to think about the worring dilemme of the little girl....
Ainhoa, 1st Adv M
Here it is my turning point: When I was fifteen years old I started to smoke, it was a stupid thing to do I realized about seven years ago or so when I stopped smoking. I gave up for two years and I gained thirty kilos which means that I hadn’t been eating properly during all those years, I had to give up for the lack of money. If I hadn’t gone out at night I wouldn’t have started to smoke again.Apart from that, I have been at the chemist many times. If I hadn’t been a smoker I wouldn’t have had chesty coughs so often. What is more, if I hadn’t spent the money buying cigarettes I could have used the money in a profitable way.
A turning point
“… it is maybe an open door”
When I had to start my universitary studies I was the only person as far as I knew, who wanted to study a B.A degree in my area and I was very unsure about my own decision, because I was having a big big pressure around me… Parents don’t usually like that kind of studies because they want a kind of security around us…and mine weren´t an exception, of course -That´s not a serious thing!!! – it is not the same to have a hobby than to have a serious formation and a profession!!!.. - You could continue doing the same in your free time…!!! - You have done many efforts to bringing down the house now!!!...
They had heard about disorders of any kind… and that things are …sure! all true…
I had too at that time, a good level of music studies, and they thought an strategie, a kind of “pink solution” to try to convince me from their point of view …but I didn’t like the option and I broke the negotiations about that… I was upset of the classical way of my music teachers and Art history studies was another thing, we had an outstanding friend of seventeen at rtve orchestra, he was a very good musician… but in a way he was pathetic! – at least for my opinion - , anyway I remember him with a kind of affection …
I had heard about other things and I was trying to search about something else…
In the meantime, this summer I was introduced a couple of new mates - by my painting teacher- wanting to do to the same studies and we started working together at the studio to prepare the exams with him…
I was obsessed with the idea
“only things that you like a lot can survive to disappointment” and I was sure at that time I would have many disappointments later, then I thought I was ready for the worst possible disaster…
and I decided to do what I wanted.
I put all the eggs in the same basquet!
When I arrived to Bilbao the exam was aborted!!!
What a destiny!
Afterwards my thinking was more or less an inversed Milkmaid´s tale:
- If you had known, would you have gone?
- If I had extended more my piano studies, I would have got a different life now, I might be a professional musician
- If I had payed more attention to my mum I would have a different election at that time.
- If I had agreed I would have accepted “the pink solution”
- If I had been so much pig headed person I would be sure now and maybe out of problems!
- If I´d stayed at Asturias I might be – probably – an upset piano teacher
- If I hadn´t continued studiying and working there I would have been a very conventional or frustrated person
- If I ´d not studied B.A. I would have studied B.A. anyway
- If I´d not come to Bilbao I would not have became a contemporary basque and glocal artist.
- If I´d not leave my work there I wouldn ´t have come to Pamplona and I´d never had met you
My long period as an artist based at Bilbao is almost finished and a new turning point is still coming, facing me this time…
• The film dilemma :
I would send Kindnapper to court, they would know what to do with him.
Little girl should be with mum -that’s a familiar unit- she needs her loving care. A mother, even a politoxyc one, can´t avoid nature strength and survival instinct.
Any drugs would be provided, if necessary. Kidnapping is not an enough reason to separate them, as well as comfort is not enough reason to isolate a little girl in troubles; a mother and a child shouldn´t cut communication – mainly under emotional problems, specially in a short age - I would send them together under psychological supervision
Money they need would be provided.
Worryings about maintenance would been avoided to them
They could have an extrange energetic support to each other, maybe a kind of symbiosis would be possible, I would do my best to make them feel sure and comfortable .
The mother should be attended and threatened as an ill person. It should be provided with medical and psychologycal support - attention and special care with help indoors. She still can´t be a responsible/but legal/ tutor of the girl
She shouldn´t be responsible of herself an the child but both of them should be guardianshiped and protected from pain .
It would be an occasion to research about they behave.
aurora L group 1st adv
When I was studying civil engineering at Santander university I met Acqua, he was Ashanti King's first son. I've known his sister Akos for two years so I knew their family life style.
Acqua and I fell in love.He was a very handsome black man and very intelligent too, who had come from Ghana to study in Santander.
When he was graduated, asked for me in marriage. And I said no...
If I had got married him I would have lived in Kumasi at his palace with my own Ashanti stool and If I had made up my mind I would have been an stranged Ashanti's queen and I could have known "in situ" the ancient habits of his kingdom. But I don't regret, because If I had stayed in Ghana, I wouldn't have worked for Cuban tourism departmen in the fascinated plan about hotel renovation in the Caribbean area.
On the other hand, about the another thing to do: If I had been Patrick, I would have investigate carefully the situation of the little girl and if she must have had a better life conditions in general, I might have died with my secret.
gloria imaz from group M
Well, a turning point in my life was when I had to start at University. I decided to start my studies in the Canary Islands because I forgot the others universities´ the student registration period. My parents asked to me if I had to go swimming there and I understand that so, this summer I had to work hard to earn some money.
It was not only an opportunity to study what I wanted, sports, also it was a big chance in my life, it was the first time I travelled abroad for long time and it was an experience to meet people, to open my mind and to live in another city very, very different. I was eighteen and I didn´t think a lot about that.
So, here start my turning point…
If I hadn't been in the Canary Islands, I wouldn't have learnt sports teaching. If I hadn't study sports, I would probably have tried to study English teacher instead.
If I hadn´t gone there, I wouldn´t have met some of my best friends. I wouldn´t have lived in a flat with friends, I wouldn´t have passed the winter in the beach and I wouldn´t have met that boy…
Anyway, there were a very special years for me, but when I finished my studies I decided to come back. If I hadn´t come back, I would probably stay with the boy who I´d fallen in love, I might have looked for a job to earn my living. If I'd started working there, I'd have started living with him, and perhaps I would even have got children…
About the film:
I think the girl should be with her mother, she needs her. A mother, even she has problems, can´t avoid natural and surviving things. The mother should be attended as an ill person. They should have help for money and for psychological supervision.
The mother can overcome and stay with her child. In that time girl should be attended too with a tutor or a family.
So I have to decide to turn the kidnapper in and get justice.
See you, Miren
Sorry, I'm Miren again. I forgot to write my group.
I´m in group L, 1st. adv.
See you
Hello people,
Usually, a very important turning point in your life is when you think about what you want to be when you'll be older, it means, what you want to do for earning your life.
I was good at drawing and spacial science, so at first I thought to study arquitecture, but at the end I decided to study engineering, because I realized it would be a much very complete career.
If I had studied arquitecture I would had less professional exit than now, so it could have been a mistake nowadays.
About, if I was Patrick, I would have a very strong dilemma. It's difficult to separate a child from his/her mother, but in some situations like this, it might be better, if the mother accepts her problem and permits her daughter grown up in a good family.
Critina Díaz, 1st advanced, N group
Aintzane, 1st. adv. M
I love this topic!It makes me think...
There are really, a lot of turnings points in my of those was the choice between Study or Work.
I'll try to explain that.
At the same time that I started at the university, I started working in a bar know, without asking for money at home, I could earn enough money for my caprices...
The plan seemed to be perfect, but I didn't realize there were 2 factors against me.
On the one hand, the degree(Engineering) wasn't very easy.
And, on the other one, I loved going out with friends...Event that happened very often working in a bar...
As you can imagine these 2 factors are incompatible and this reflected on the exams' results.
I was in this situation around 2 years!
Nowadays, I'm working as an engineer and I fell I'm lucky.
But, several times, I've thought about what would have happened if I had cotinued working in the bar...
It's true that I would have keept some of good friends but I wouldn't have met my boyfriend either...
and.... I would have had fun a lot but my health would be seriously damaged(hahahaha!!!)...
At the end,I thought about my future.This was the key!
I wouldn't liked to have this kind of life in my future!
So, I decided left the job and start studying hardly.
It goes without saying that don't know if it was the right decission or not but, one thing is sure:
If I have to choose again, I would take the same decission.
Thanks for reading!
My turning point is the job. In 2005 I passed an official exam in Navarra and in the Basque country. And last september I had to choose between both.
If I had gone to Zumarraga I would have been working as a midwife,I would have gone there only once a week (24hours shift) and I wouldn´t have lost so many english classes.
But I decided to come to Tudela to work as a nurse because I thought that it would be easier to get the place of midwife in Navarra...
We have the oficial exam next thursday (I won´t go to english class once again...)
If I do that quite well I will have the opportunity to return to Pamplona in moreless 18 months.
IF the health system would resolve the "oposition" as quickly as in education I would know the result in a few months. But I will have to wait, meanwhile I will be commuting to Tudela 4-5 days a week.
And if I don´t pass the exam I will be here 2-3 years..
Aitziber. L group.
My turning point was when I started the university.
I had decided to study economics ( I don´t really know why) I didn´t pass the hight school exams in june. Fortunatly I passed in september and I was accepted into university but there wasn´t place in economics.My second option was agronomist engineer and luckily I was accepted.
I finished my studies 3 years ago, I´m very satisfied with them and I am working as an engineer. University years were the best years of my life and my classmates are very good friends today.
If I had passed the exams in june I would have been accepted into university in june and I would have started to study economics. Probably I would have left the studies because I am very bad at mathematics. If I hadn´t studied agronomist I wouldn´t have met my classmates and the boy who is my boyfriend.
Mertxe M Avanzado 1N
Hi mates,
I´m Cristina S., 1st adv group M.
My turning point was five years ago, when I finished my studies in Pamplona I visited some relatives in Barbastro. My uncle is an important men in the wine´s world an he offered me some jobs. He lend me a flat and he introduce me in this world....
But I had another job vaccancy in pamplona with satellite imaging, and my boyfriend live in pamplona... I chose work in Pamplona.
Perphaps if I had chosen work in Barbastro my boyfirend would gone with me, or if we had broken down I ´d fallen in love with another boy.
Nowadays I´m very happy with my life but I never know how the other way was.
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