First, I'd like to congratulate you all, no exceptions. I know that speaking in public is no easy thing and you've done pretty well. Then, I have to say that some of the lectures were awesome. I didn't know what to expect, but the general standard has been surprisingly good, interesting, very well prepared. Good job! I'm really happy that you took to it so enthusiastically and managed to put on such great projects. Thanks again.
Here's a list of the best projects according to your peers :
-Avanzado 1, Group M:
·Patricia+ Marta+ Maite+ Cristina- "How to be an alien"
·Ainhoa- "Multicultural Malta"
·Natalia+ Laura-"Taiwan and cultural differences"
-Pili- "Ecology"
You'll know by now that Best of the Bests was "How to be an alien" by Patricia, Marta, Maite and Cristina. Very funny when they acted out the archetypical English characters.
-Group N:
·Eva-"Jorge Oteiza"
·Mertxe-"Herbal remedies"
·Joaquin+ Cristina-"News Bulletin"
Eva was the winner in this group. No wonder as her presentation was superb.
-Group L:
·Alejandra+ Anabel+ Gemma+ Rut: "Kamishibai"
·Ohiana- "Apple and Steve Jobs"
·Eneko+ Diego+ Laura+ Amaia-"Pink Heart-a debate about women and men"
And Alejandra, Anabel, Gemma and Rut were the winners after a technical draw (sorry, Alfredo). Great project with their dressing up, geisha-like costumes and the origamy thing involving all students.
Do you miss any that you expected to be among the best? After taking a vote on these projects the winners will get a well, er...mmm...whatever! I'm still racking my brains about some lousy prize for the best presentations.
And you can't miss the slide show below with the photos taken during your lectures-
Thanks again! Bye for now.