Bob 'the badger' (why 'the badger' and not 'the beaver', or 'the skUnk'*, or 'the squirrel'? You'll have to explain, mate) Adamson has asked me to announce that they'll be playing at the school. And I heard the former Tindersticks drummer has joined the band! Well, I've got three or four records by Tindersticks myself. I'm also looking forward to listening to that Hendrix-like guitar player rocking the stage. Well, this is his message to you anyway by Bob (1st on the right, that's him):
Hi. We're the CaraVinagres. Just wanted to say that we'll be celebrating St George's Day (the Patron Saint of England) with you at a concert in la Escuela on Thursday 23rd of April, 7.45pm. You can hear some of our songs on our myspace site.
See you!
*Sorry but I should have checked my spelling, I meant skunk, not skank, obviously you're not that, I take, Bob.
During my Easter Holiday, every day, I have been thinking about why Bob is called 'the badger'and at least, my conclusion is that bob Adamson is named the badger after the badger night habits. I've never listened to caravinagre music but i hope listening soon, thanks for blog information, it's really interesting for me.
g. imaz 1 st m
Bob The Budger!
I don´t know this person and I would need to have an impression to answer...
- is him a budger?
In my opinion he looks like the character of this cartoon...very popular in England
"Badger Badger Badger", "The Badger Song" or "Badgers" is a Flash cartoon by British animator Jonti Picking.
Half - jokingly...
Is him an enthusiastic person or a good worker?
This animal can symbolize in stories a wise, noble and brave person who is a good leader and has common sense.
Aurora Suárez 1st Adv. L group
For two weeks more or less, I read in "Vox Populi" magazine, who The CaraVinagres are. I didn't know about this group before reading those information but those article make me curious and I just wanted to surf the Net looking for news. I heard a couple of songs and I'm also looking forward to listen to them in the EOIP. I hope being able to understand the lyrics because I think they're going to be really interesting. “Hemingway was there”, “CaraVinagre”, “PioXII”, and so on are some of the titles.
What I can not understand is what the members of the group have so strange nicknames: Bob “The Badger” Adamson, Paul “Cockney Sparrow” Bentham, Mario “Nice Man” Ramos and Al “the Owl” Macalay…. I would be very grateful if someone would explain the meaning of “Skank” to me. I know what a Badger (tejón), a Beaver (castor) or a Squirrel (ardilla) is, but... a Skank???? I’ve looked it up in the dictionary and I’ve found that Skank is a really derogatory term for certain people, people who live slovenly, are dirty, possibly sexually promiscuous… Is Skank also an animal?? Or don’t I catch the joke?
Pili Lana, 1st Adv, M
Palma Tocón, 1st. Advanced. Group M.
First of all, Pilarín, I think you wrote wrong the word you don't understand. I think you refer to the animal "skunk". I looked up in the dictionary and the meaning is mofeta. You changed the "u"!!!
Second, I'm going to tell you that this is the first time I heard the name of this musical group. It might be interesting to listen their songs, but, unfortunately, it's really impossible for me to go to the concert. It'll be in another time! Enjoy yourselves!
i have heard some of the songs , a new group usually is focused on a paticular topic or interest, and is good that this topic is about pamplona in general, the issue is if you can be succesful singing in english in spain im not sure about this, the music sounds great but maybe with tipycal old style , you can enjoy this drinking a beer in a pub, in a sunny day of april, javier corera 1 advance L GROUP
How did the concert go? I couldn´t go buy I have couriosity because when I comented my friends all of them know the group. They know Pìo XII, Heminway ... songs. I have to admit this kind of music it is not my style but the references to Psmplona are courious. Ilike the name of the group, it`s very significative and funny. I don´t understand the nicknames, althoug i have two friends, one of them is called "pollo" and other "gato" and I don´t know why. Maybe the behaviour it´s similar to this animals...encarna
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