What? You still don't believe it?
Have a look at the calendar...What day is it today? It's April 1st. Or... April Fool's Day!! And of course, this is nothing but a hoax. Brilliantly conceived of and spectacularly filmed, isn't it? Were you taken in by the flying penguins? Of course you're not going to admit it, but I guess a few of you were actually tricked into believing the story.
Can you imagine the Big Ben being given a digital readout? The British National Anthem ("God Save the Queen") replaced by the Euro Anthem, sung in German? And by the way, this video was downloaded from YouTube. Did you know that internal tests have shown that modern computer monitors give a higher quality picture when flipped upside down? Check out the explanation and be prepared to do the flip.
And did you know that this blog is going global? See for yourselves, as the other day I was watching the telly and found this programme and guess what the sentence to get the multimillionaire prize was. But he didn't finally make it. Poor sod...It serves him right, for not reading the blog!

Fascinated by the hoaxes? Go to this link, read through the best hoaxes and send a comment with the funniest or the most ridiculous one.
See you in class.
I would like to see penguin flying and lions that take its owner for a walk. Definetly the word on the contrary.That could be funny¡ ENCARNA
Dogs to be painted white 1965:
Politiken, a Copenhagen newspaper, reported that the Danish parliament had passed a new law requiring all dogs to be painted white.
The purpose of this, it explained, was to increase road safety by allowing dogs to be seen more easily at night.
It´s funny, but I think it isn´t very strange, because people are prepared to do whatever it takes.
Miren, 1st advanced, L group
I now know why my hammster looks so sad...It hasn´t had sex for ages!!!And I haven´t realized... Thanks to multimedia.. We can´t do anything without it. We always have to trust it. I am going to have a look where I can buy those viagra pills.
Oh Osfi, you will be happy again. Perhaps I will have to buy another male hammster...Because what will happen to Osfi if she takes the pill alone? It deserves a good time so I will buy another hammster. Yes. Decided.
Have anyone of you a male hammster for my Osfi?
Get in contact with Aitziber. L group.
i think that is not impossible that penguins to be seen in the castle square in the future, according to some scientist, global warming will not affect us in the same way in every country in the world, the smelt of the north pole could create a new cold stream in the ocean that could do fall down the temperatures in west europe....,maybe could come another glaciacion...again, and anyway is sure that one day, ok, in millions years (i suppose that we wont be here then)... , the sun will lose their warm and the earth will be a big piece of ice ,maybe the human will live in the moon then.., ok, stop with my theories, see you soon JAVIER CORERA GROUP L 1ST ADVANCE
Any stupid law of April Fool's Day is very funny, at least for me.
Some of them like "Alabama changes de value of Pi" or "Dogs to be painted white" are slightly ridiculous too. I mean, who can think about changing the value of some mathematical parameters or only permit certain fur colours in a place because someone says it?.
But I think, that the most incredible story is "Drunk driving of the internet". Come on,..you should be very asleep to believe it.
However the different stories are enough entertaining to make us laugh for some minutes.
Enjoy them!!
Cristina, 1st Advance, N Group.
Hi, mates!!
After reading several hoaxes I wonder if there are persons who REALLY believe them. An example:
whistling carriots.
It´s ABSOLUTLY incredible. Who imagine a carriot with airholes for whistling??????
However, I have found some hoaxes that I really could believe if I listen to them in the TV news in Spain, such as "Tomb of Socrates found", or "Maradona joins Soviet Soccer Team".
And if I listened to "L.A. Highways close for repairs" or "The left-handed Whopper", I would think Americans are crazy and mad, but I´m sure I would believe it.
See you, darlingssssss.
Carmen, 1st Adv., L group
After Reading lots of hoaxes I’m exhausted. It’s incredible how many of them could be so ridiculous. For instance ‘The body of Nessie found’. Do you really believe that a ‘bull elephant seal’ could seem the Nessie body for any zoologist?. And what about ‘Planetary alignment decreases gravity’?. Could you imagine yourself jumping in the air because someone on the radio has said it?.
For me one of the most useful if it existed, would be ‘Gmail Autopilot’. A feature that automatically reads and responds to your email with your style.
Crazy world!
Marta, 1st advanced M
Really?? Does people believe these jokes? I can't understand it. There are surprisingly stupid!! I mean...for example: Whistling carrots?!, The body of Nessie found?! etc. In my opinion all of they are quite unbeliable but there are some funny like the swiss spaghetti Harvest, New Zeland Wasp Swarm or Virgin Cola's Blue Cans...I imagine all the people that realy think that these jokes are true...make all the things that jokers tell them to do...really funny and quite strange.
Inés I., 1st Advanced Group N
I think that it's a very good tool to check how far is the human naivety.
It isn't esasy to choose the best hoax, because, many of them are really well developed. Then, I have chosen one which I identified "The left-handed whopper". We are in the era where the left-handed will control the world. Be afraid :)!!
Palma Tocón. 1st. Advanced, Group M.
First of all, what pretty are penguins!! I love them so much...!!
I agree with you: nowadays you can do miracles with the high technology. I think that you have to take care about the things you watch on TV because an image isn't better than 1000 words, it might be a trick!!!
Second, I think that the most ridiculous hoaxes I've read in the link you've put is the first one about spaghetti and "The Left-Handed Whopper". It's ridiculous!!. How in the world people believe in these things!! You must be a naive person to believe that it exists a crop of spaghetti or that you can buy a left-handed hamburger.
I think that is similar to the photos we can see in some tabloid magazines. There some artists whose are very old appear without wrinkles and in a healthy way. It's impossible! But, what are possible are miracles of photoshop.
It´s really curious the video about penguins flying; I had never seen before this behaviour in this species.
About the question you make about the possibility of seeing penguins in the Castle Square in the future, I don´t think in the inmediate future this fact will occur; but the world is changing, and in my opinion nowadays impossible is nothing, so we can´t rule any hypothesis out.
Mikel, 1st advanced, M group
It´s really corius to read these hoaxes and it´s very funny to think there are a lot of people who belive in this kind of jokes.
One of the most ridiculous I´ve read is "Left-handed whopper"
Can you imagine de differences between left handed whopper and right handed whopper?? Definitely it´s really stupid
this activity is really entertaning
See you
MERTXE, 1st advanced N
I have readen about fake tatoo sleves. I don´t like tatoos at all, but I think that this can be a good opcion for people who like them but are not sure enough to have a real one.
In my opinion the more difficult is to get used to see your skin painted every day and this is not a problem with those items, you can just take them away and you have your natural skim.
SUSANA 1st advanced, N group
CRAZY WORLD...SORRY... PEOPLE!!! Don´t you think? I laughed a lot with some of them and I think that it´s imposible to believe some of these Hoaxes. I enjoyed reading #8: The Left-Handed Whopper or #84: Viagra for Hamsters, and I must admit that #12: Flying Penguins is a great video, the special effects are really impressive.
Aitziber, I wish you could find a gorgeous male hammster for your Osfi!
Have fun!!
Gemma Larrañaga 1st Adv. L
"Internet Spring Cleaning"
Really funny! It remembered me when you receive an email about hotmail cleaning, saying that you have to send an email to an account to know if your email adress is active...!
Oihana, Avanzado 1, L Group
I HOPE THAT JOURNALIST WOULD BE FIRED. After reading these hoaxing, I´ve realized that british humour is different from ours.
Long time ago, when I was young, I was looking forward to reading the papers every December 28th. trying to distinguish the fake news from the real ones, and sometimes it wasn't easy. I wish I'd read about that Pi's value had changed to 3 as it did in Alabama, because I was very bad at maths if you want to know the truth. I bet, a lot of Alabama students were plenty of hapiness that morning untill they realized it was a hoax, because only in certain States constants would be allowed to change.
Alfredo Remirez 1st. adv. L
Really funny videos, articles and photos!
I didn´t know April´s Fool´s Day in England was similar to 28th December here.
There are some weird hoaxes as "The Left-Handed Whopper".
I´ve also enjoyed watching the hoax photos: Have you seen the Spain´s Royal Family´s photo? It´s quite pathetic... The Photoshop´s user must receive more classes, please!
And what about the photo of Bush reading a book upside-down? I had already got this photo and I thought it was true and not a trick (I have to admit that I don´t rely on the abilities of the former President of USA).
Have nice days, good hoaxes and see you in class next week!
Eukene-1st M
the world is a madhouse, in the 1940's an Orson welles's radio programme caused a big chaos in n.y. city.
I love this kind of hoaxes, I can believe some of them in a special situation. the most ridiculous for me may be 'the left-handed whopper', the funniest 'alabama changes the value of Pi'
gloria imaz 1st m
- Congratulations fot globalization of this blog!.That proposal about new viewing experience with the monitor upside – down is a little bit disgusting , better to move to Australia, let´s go!.
- (31) MIGRANT MOTHER MAKEOVER: The thing is that popular photography by Dorothea Lange´s Migrant Mother (1936) about depression was modified with photoshop…
Wrinkles were erased and removed her kids then representation of something becomes something else , and a different thing without no sense: no document – no expression - no meaning – no thinking about…just aesthezised .. but why for?
…Are we crazy?
This is a very ridiculous thing, a little bit…a funny idea but maybe dangerous. Could people believe it?
Others: (48)- tasmanian mock walrus - (57)- Nat Tate – (61) – fornication comme un acte culturelle –(68) euro Disney Lenin- (77) mit key Mouse -
Aurora Suarez 1st adv L grou
Carl, excellent! I must thank you to show me this site. The “Top 100 April Fool's Day Hoaxes of All Time” is one of the best I have ever read before. Very good jokes!
The “Innocent's day” in Spain is 28th December but I didn’t know Fools Day is in April and Britain doesn't celebrates “Innocent's day”. Different name, different dates, but similar jokes. It’s funny!
I have laughed a lot with some of the hoaxes and I have to admit that sometimes I’m a naïve person and if I had read this articles in a normal newspaper I might believe some things.
In my opinion they are plenty of good hoaxes in the site: Instant Color TV, Man Flies By Own Lung Power, Corporate Tattoos, Viagra for Hamsters(I also wish Osfi a gorgeous male hamster!!), Telepathic Email, Asterix Village Found… but FAKE TATTOO SLEEVES seems to be very popular!! This article appears 10 times!!
Anyway, Flying Penguins is an amazing video!! Of course Penguins aren’t physically developed to fly, but the video is so well done, that almost everybody could believe it.
Ok mates, Happy April 1st went past! Now, we have to wait till Happy Innocent’s day!
See you in class!
Pili Lana, 1st Adv, M
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